My previous blog, "Poor Me Pity Party" generated a few questions, and I choose to share my deeper, clarifying insights with you. I have found when one person has a question, many people have the same question!
Rather than wrestle individually, let’s collectively dive deeper into yesterday’s topic.
One question I received…..
“So, does that apply to being raped? Or murdered?”
Great question! This particular question is asked as a "yes-no" question. My answer is "yes", and I will explain further.
I will share a couple of examples from my personal life.
In my late teens, I chose marriage. Three weeks into my marriage, I experienced my new abusive spouse for the first time and continued to experience abuse many, many times. How did that work for me? Truthfully at the time, I failed to see blessing in it. Later, I realized it offered me an opportunity to reclaim my power, to author my own life, to stand up for me, and to say "yes" to God in me.
Without my downscale frequency situation (abusive marriage), I may have continued on my unconscious-settle-for-less path much longer.
Our greatest weakness shall be our greatest strength.
What seemed like happening to me at the time was, in Truth and Grace, happening for me. I am who I am today because of my experience rather than in spite of my experience.
Another personal example is directly related to rape.
As a young mother, a friend and I were walking and pushing strollers with our newborns on a jogging path at midday. As we rounded a corner, a man emerged from the bushes wielding a knife and proceeded to rape my friend. Again, at the time, I failed to see blessing in it. Now, I see and understand the pivotal point it presented for both of us.
The question and frequency we have the opportunity to embody in every event is "what is my Good here?" Including abuse, rape and murder. Everything, in the law, means everything.
The law operates independently of my consent and/or belief.
My "Poor Me Pity Party" blog is more about perspective than circumstance. When I embody the idea of "why do all these things happen to me" pity party, my perspective is "these things are bad". When I look for blessing in everything, I see blessing in everything. I have the choice to believe everything happens for me, and whether I believe it or not, the law stays the same.
Another response questioned my use of “pain shaming” within the context of my words “pity party.”
To clarify, nowhere in my blog did I mention pain.
- Pain has a purpose.
- Pain flips into full enthusiasm.
- No shame exists in experiencing pain.
- Pain is our catalyst for moving upscale.
Again, my point is our perspective. Do I allow myself to see and stay in my downscale frequency of "poor me", or do I raise my frequency and look for my Good in all things?
Big blessings to all of you! I truly appreciate your thoughts as we integrate, understand and upgrade together.
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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