About Cynthia
I believe our life is based on our choices.
Every choice leads us on a path... a downscale path of destruction, resentment, excuses, and limitation or an upscale path of construction, forgiveness, responsibility, ownership, and healing.
I have created both paths.
I have walked both paths.
Both paths have taught me volumes.
Every experience has a purpose.
Nothing happens to us.
Everything happens for us.

In The Beginning
I understand now, more than ever, the power I Am within and my purpose in igniting Light in every Being I encounter.
I have known from the beginning of my existence, I am created to remember, know, and understand many things on a deeper level. Asking hard questions is part of my DNA.
My early years included religion and lists of “do and do nots.” I began an abusive marriage ending in divorce. Codependency circulated through my veins as I looked for happiness and purpose outside of me. I fervently tried to survive in a religious box. Finally, when I rebelled, I rebelled HARD.
New choices bring new results, and I experienced truckloads of new results: parental disapproval, disassociation, religious discipline and expulsion.
I wandered, feeling lost, confused, victimized, ostracized, and playing the codependent blame game until I found ME.
Turning Points

New Healing Awareness
In 2012, I combined my nursing background with my newfound love of essential oils. Again, I had an inner knowing surrounding the power of the sun, plants, and natural healing and began my journey with Young Living. I educate and serve my oily community by focusing on and teaching health and wellness. My team has grown to over 600 families.

New Consciousness
In 2018, I began my apprenticeship under Robert Tennyson Stevens, author and founder of Mastery Systems, International, Inc. My first in-person encounter with Bob changed me at my very core. I knew I was about to walk a new path. Bob helped me shift my deeply entrenched patterns of judgment and right/wrong into massive Love and Grace. The biggest forgiveness I give is to myself.

My Experience & Certifications
Trauma Memory Resolution Technique Certification
Master Facilitator Certifications:
- - All For You
- - Conscious Language
- - Sacred Body Language Translations
- - Body Electronics
- - META Body Electronics
- - Bio-Optic Holography
- - Life Upgrade Coaching
Aroma Freedom Technique Practitioner
Raindrop Technique Practitioner
Health & Wellness Coach
Bible Scripture is Both Old and New to Me
For decades, I studied and led religious groups in “formal” church settings. Now, my view of Bible scripture is enriched in a multi-dimensional level. I transformed my shame, blame, judgment game into a deep appreciation for Grace, Love, and Truth.
I Learn & Remember
My Family Benefits
My personal upgrades profoundly changes my relationship with my husband, children, and elderly parents.
My new awareness literally transformed my marriage! I began deeply and lovingly connecting with my husband, children (and their spouses) in an easy, gentle style.
I also found new beauty and light as I loved my mother into her transition from this planet in 2021.
Like ripples in an ocean from one beautiful drop of water, my world benefits from my upgrades.

My Community Benefits
I develop deep trust and connection with my clients, create a loving and secure, energetic environment, and serve in a life-changing way along their own sacred journey.
I greatly enjoy my individual and group client coaching sessions and continue to serve my tribe of essential oilers. I am passionate about mentoring, teaching, speaking, and writing.