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Have you ever been asked a question that rocked you to your core?
I have.
And it changed my life.
Time and time again.

Facilitating others into their own “aha” moments and God-Victories both empowers and humbles me.

I offer healing and transformation opportunities through various modalities: voice, breath, body language, eye fiber and structure, essential oils, language, and more.


“I swear, I’m generally pretty positive and pretty high energy, but after spending the morning with Cynthia, I feel 10 pounds lighter and like a weight has been lifted off my shoulder! And I haven’t even begun my inner work yet! Thank you!”

Kelly J, Texas

What can you expect in a coaching session?

First and foremost, grace and love

A secure and sacred environment

Gentle guidance and powerful alignment


Restoration, reboot and transformation of limiting patterns

Simple and empowering tools to keep you focused between sessions

Together, we will discover how to begin your upgrades.

As long as we are on this planet, we have upgrades waiting for agreement.

No judgement, no guilt or shaming, no right/wrong.

Popular Coaching Packages


Create your new reality by choosing new communication tools. By listening to your words, I offer simple suggestions to transform your life.

Health Issues

We will walk through a series of questions designed to discover the root cause of your issues and design upgrades to transform them.

Standing in Your Power

You are created with strength and power. Remember the real you and be all you are created to be!


What you believe about abundance is why you have what you have. Open your floodgates!

"My session with Cynthia was powerful and enlightening. It helped me work through blockages in my life I had been dealing with and brought positivity into my thoughts."

Alex K, California

My coaching is less about the “what” and more about the “how”.

In my experience, your “inner you” already knows Truth.

Step 1 - Mindset Upgrade

What are your words bringing into your reality? Before you can achieve your vision, you must believe you can achieve it. My specific steps will help you develop a new mindset so you can move forward in a place of confidence and power.

Step 2 - Engage Your Vision

Whatever great idea you have inside your head, engagement and realization depends on taking action. I’ll help you “see” your vision and suggest specific action steps to move from vision to reality.

Step 3 - Take Action

As soon as new agreements are made within yourself, everything in opposition comes up for re-evaluation. I’ll walk with you through your process. If overwhelm, doubt, fear, etc., shows up, we take care of it. I’m your cheerleader bringing simple, sustainable action steps to continue your momentum.


Whatever the issue, my systematic steps bring glorious outcomes!

I come alongside you and support you as we navigate remembering, understanding and experiencing all new.

Groups and Teams

Do you have team goals? Does your group require alignment, motivation and vision?

I have found many groups are aligned in vision and outcome, yet stuck in process.

Group sessions are highly beneficial in creating trust and security within a team.

I love serving individuals, groups, and teams as they reconnect, heal from trauma, transform deeply held limiting patterns, and step into their power.

My clients launch into their full potential and realize their dreams.

I create an empowering and secure and environment in group settings where everyone moves upscale together.


Decree A Thing And It Is So.

Essential Oil Retreat (1)