Virtual Experiences & Live Events

Greatness Awaits

My in-person events, and even virtual events, bring collective consciousness together in one place. Your participation in an event raises the vibration and frequency to a palpable level! Bible scripture says “where two or more are gathered, I Am with them.”

Imagine the Greatness in every event where I Am is present!

Experience the transformation available when each person present sees Perfection in every other participant.

As you collect your daily event experiences, you will invest in your new awareness and see new possibilities awaiting your agreement. You will return to your home feeling uplifted, equipped, and empowered. Greatness awaits! 

Virtual experiences & live events

May 9 - 10

150 Spaces Available

I Remember Me

I Am First! 

$111.00 Friday, VIP (6:30 to 9:30pm)

$247.00 Saturday only (9:00am - 5:30pm)

$333.00 VIP + Main Event (Fri & Sat)

La Cantera Resort & Spa, San Antonio, TX

Past events and workshops


Let's Connect

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