One of the biggest turning points in many of my sessions happens when someone chooses co-empowerment over co-dependence. Something BIG shifts inside a person when he/she realizes, understands and applies….
nothing happens to me.
Co-dependence feeds the false reality of things happen to me. Believing things happen to me allows me to believe I have no control over certain things. It allows me to blame someone or something else for certain things. It also allows me to wallow in the “poor me” pity party.
Blaming is classic co-dependence.
I invite you to consider a new perspective…..
everything happens for me.
What happens when I flip my script from nothing happens to me to everything happens for me?
My expectation shifts, and my response-ability shifts.
Scripture says, God is for me, and all things work together for my Good.
When a person stays in blame, shame and guilt, they tend to react. Reaction usually escalates into anger, and the cycle continues into more blaming, more reaction, more anger…..
When a person shifts into accepting full response-ability, they move into their full authority. They author their own life and create their own circumstances. They see ALL things as opportunities for them and for their good.
You, as an empowered, Sovereign Being, have the choice to accept responsibility for all things in your field and live in the everything happens for me perspective.
One simple perspective shift changes everything. Imagine enjoying life as you look for the good, the benefit, and the upside of everything in your awareness!
I welcome your input,
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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