Our story defines us.
All of us have a story, most likely several stories.
In my conscious language classes, one of the first things we discover is all our words have power. The question is not if our words have power. Our new awareness reminds us we choose our powerful words.
The same is true of our stories. The question is not if we have stories affecting our reality. Our new awareness reminds us we get to choose our stories affecting our reality.
And our stories go much deeper than our reality. Our stories can affect our physical health.
How many of us are stuck in our story?
Our story around
- A schoolmate telling us we are stupid…
- A teacher telling us we will never amount to anything…
- A parent telling us we are not worthy…
- A pastor telling us we aren’t fit to serve or lead…
- A spouse telling us we are unlovable…
- A friend telling us we are unforgivable…
- Us telling us we will never ___________ …
When we take on the words of others as our own stories, we are agreeing with and allowing others to define who we are and how we act, react, and even feel. When we tell ourselves something enough times, we begin to believe ourselves.
Whatever story we repeat, repeat, repeat, is the story we imprint in our emotional patterns and our physical cells.
When we take on the words of others as truth, we sabotage our True Self.
Just because someone in 4th grade said you were dumb, does not make it true. Just because your mother said you are unreliable, does not make it true. Just because you feel your dad judges you, does not make it true.
Anything you believe within you contrary to God-in-you is false.
The only person who can change your story is YOU! You wrote your first story, and you believed it. Not right or wrong, and it’s upgradable! You get to write your new story and believe it!
Flip your story into
- I am a genius.
- I am capable.
- I am worthy.
- I am a leader.
- I am love.
- I forgive me.
- I can.
Write, or rewrite, a story of Life for Life!
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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