I recently noticed a snippet on social media from Dr. Will Cole. He presented the following points.
- Your nervous system heals in stillness.
- Your gut health heals in gentleness.
- Your hormones heal in nourishment.
- You can’t heal a body you hate.
- You can’t obsess your way to health.
- You can’t shame your way to wellness.
- Showing your body grace and compassion is the deepest of medicines.
Obviously, as a consciousness and language coach, I see some opportunities for upgrades in his delivery, and I fully agree with his sentiments.
We already know some very simple, yet profound, truths.
- Like attracts like.
- What we focus on, we receive.
- Decree a thing and it is so.
Early in my coaching training I was taught when I, as a facilitator, enter a session with an outcome already in mind for my client, I have already failed. I learned this truth in layers as my experience continued and my years progressed.
At first, I took issue with my teaching. Clearly, my outcome for every client is resolution! How can it be by having an outcome I have already failed? Resolution is a good thing, yes? I soon discovered while resolution is my desired outcome, each person has their own opportunity to make their own choices. I only offer options.
My next level of discovery taught me the option of having several available resolution options. Who am I to choose one resolution over another resolution or qualify any resolution to be good/bad or right/wrong? Keeping myself clean and supportive in love when a client chooses no resolution or any number of resolutions is my only job.
Assisting others in recognizing new options is my offering.
The most challenging layered lesson is accepting a resolution stated by someone who chooses an option I believe can be entirely different and possible. Again, their option requires no agreement, confirmation or affirmation from me. When I put all the options on the table, and one is chosen, accepted and put into practice, I get to be silent. In this scenario, I get to be more than silent. I get to love – fully love – as I watch their predicted outcome come to fruition.
I get to love, support and accept.
Why? Because Love heals everything. Love heals my client, and Love heals me. My sessions are only about my client’s feelings. What do I do with my feelings? I self-facilitate. I sit with what I feel until I can let it all be ok.
I Love, I Touch, I Breath, I Stay, I Feel
Let’s return to Dr. Cole’s words. When we accept what is going on in our nervous system and let it be ok, we can heal in our newfound stillness. When we accept what is going on in our gut and let it be ok, we can heal as we are gentle and receive Grace and ease. When we accept what is going on with our hormones and let it be ok, we can heal as we nourish our body into health.
- You can only heal a body you love.
- Health comes as we give ourselves love, gentle kindness, and care.
- Wellness stems from honoring where we are, how we arrived here, and how we move forward in grace and ease.
Saying thank you to our body signals is a way of honoring our body. We only become aware of our available upgrade as we experience less than our desired choices.
“Showing your body grace and compassion is the deepest of medicines.” ~ Dr. Will Cole
Love your body. Love your signals. Explore your possibilities. Enjoy your outcomes.
Let me know how I can support you.
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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