According to Google, the number of English Bible translations tops 900. Each has its own “type” of language, and the 10 most common translations are predictable in their usage and flow of language. I have even seen memes poking fun at the variety of language used in various translations, and they are usually quite accurate in following the style of each translation.
In the 50+ translations I searched, one particular passage proved to be fairly consistent – Exodus 3:14.
When I learned Exodus 3:14 as a child, I learned it as
“I AM THAT I AM” Exodus 3:14
I found most of the translations read
“I AM WHO I AM” Exodus 3:14
As I raised my awareness and consciousness and began my study in conscious language, I discovered The Domain of the Ts in Conscious Language, The Logos of Now by Robert Stevens.
“That” is a word in the Domain of the Ts. Knowing “that” is a separator word and an upgradeable word, I pondered for several years how to reconcile my memorization of scripture with my conscious language awareness.
As I continued in my process, I realized my comfort and acceptance of my childhood memorization. Moving to “I AM WHO I AM” felt a bit off for me.
In true unconsciousness (ha!), I stuck with my prior “I AM THAT I AM” memorization as my aligning decree – all the while knowing an upgrade exists.
A client of mine asked for clarification about the very same scripture! Now, I knew it was time to “let go” and explore within myself. What does Exodus 3:14 mean to me? How do I reconcile “that” – a separator in my mind.
As I sat, many scriptures poured into my memory, such as
Ask, and it will be given to you. ~ Matthew 7:7
Everyone who asks, receives ~ Matthew 7:8
Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. ~ Mark 11:24
Immediately, I settled, asked, and waited. As my breathing slowed, I was reminded all breath comes from God – from my I AM. I imagined and physically felt myself breathing IN GOD and breathing OUT GOD (in-spirit-ation and ex-spirit-ation). I figuratively and purposely inhaled God and exhaled God as my Inner Being spoke in me.
“I AM” (inhale - in)
“I AM” (exhale - around)
As thrilled as I was with my remembrance of I AM in me and I AM around me, I sat still a bit longer and waited. The words “that” and “who” were still a lingering question.
I heard the word AND. I experienced immediate tears as my deep gratitude enveloped me!
Move over “that”. Move over “who”. Bring in “and”.
I AM (inhale) AND I AM (exhale)
I AM (in) AND I AM (around)
I AM now at peace, completely resolved, reconciled and restored.
I invite you to ask your Creator questions, believe you are answered, and receive your resolutions in ALL things.
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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