Are you a social media person? Do you have a FB account, IG account or an X account? If yes, we are likely seeing many of the same posts. Regularly, I see quotes posted as memes meant to inspire, motivate, and uplift.
As positive and inspirational as some of the posts I see “try” to be, they fall short. Why? They are communicated in downscale, lower-frequency language patterns.
As an example, here is a quote I saw a while back from Albert Einstein:
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Whether Einstein truly said the words above is beside my point, and I am an enthusiast of Einstein’s genius. I offer only respect for him and his brilliance. His words are neither right nor wrong, only lower-frequency words available for a higher frequency upgrade. We, as creators, get to thoroughly understand and apply our consciousness moment to moment,
In meticulously listening to what we feed our mind, we become highly aware of simple upgrades bringing life into our cells. I can read Einstein’s words and quickly upgrade them into higher frequency.
We can resolve our issues when we think and create new thoughts.
Rather than focus on what we cannot do, we get to focus on what we can do. Rather than focus on problems, we focus on solvable issues. I instantly breathe and my body calms. I move from a state of doing (referencing his actual quote) to a state of being (in my revision upgrade).
Here’s another example from Anthony Douglas Williams:
“We are here to heal, not harm. We are here to love, not hate. We are here to create, not destroy.”
Consciously in Williams’s example, the second half of each statement leaves negativity on our subconscious. What we leave on our subconscious screen is what we replay again and again, especially what we leave on our subconscious screen before sleep. Again, Williams’s words are neither right nor wrong, only upgradeable. We experience much more power when we stay conscious in the positive.
We are here to heal. We are here to love. We are here to create.
As you speak my conscious upgrade above, can you feel your power when you stay positive? Being highly conscious is of benefit to me. Being acutely vigilant about what I bring into me is of benefit to me. I feel a huge positive shift and agreement when I speak positive language.
The nuances of conscious language are vast. Conscious language is less about speaking and more about silence and listening, being highly conscious of what we let in, agree with, and send forth into new dimensions with the vibrations of our vocal cords.
If you are wondering if I am being too extreme, I ask, “Is highly alert a thing?” When my body believes and responds to everything I think, feel and say, again…. is highly alert a thing? Is too extreme a thing? For me, it’s like settling for McDonald’s when fresh and clean is readily available. Is McDonald’s wrong? No, not at all. And, we have a choice in what we feed our body - both physically and consciously.
How important are our words?
I believe every word is important and valuable. Our physical body is worth every moment of our conscious awareness.
When we allow our focus to agree with conscious inspiration, we attract it. The quote below came across my social media recently.
“First learn the meaning of what you say, then speak.”
I invite you to
- Evaluate everything you bring into your conscious awareness
- Choose your Highest Good
- Only allow in what serves you
- Imagine being everything you speak
Partnering in our collective Highest Good,
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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