"Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words will never hurt me."
What a bunch of fairy tale nonsense!
Are you listening to your words?
The Universe is.
Your body is.
Wondering why you experience the things you experience?
Our body does exactly what we tell it to do. Tell it the same thing enough times, and we create exactly what we speak - permanently.
If you tell your coworkers you are “sick and tired” of (fill in the blank) your boss, your co-worker, your paycheck, your bills…….
If you tell your partner you are “sick and tired” of (fill in the blank) their laziness, your relationship, their bossiness…….
If you tell your teenagers you are “sick and tired” of (fill in the blank) their attitude, their irresponsibility, their friend choices……
If you tell your friends you are “sick and tired” of (fill in the blank) your lack of money, your lack of promotion at work, the cost of food/gas/insurance
Your body hears "sick and tired" again and again, even if you are just muttering to yourself! When we continually say, “I am sick and tired”, how long is it until our body obeys and we are TRULY sick and tired?
Our words have a profound effect on our physiology.
What we focus on, we attract.
Unconscious words are every bit as powerful as conscious words. Sometimes even more so because we speak them with intense feelings.
Hear your words. Make your choice. Change your frequency. Create your heaven.
In Gratitude and Grace,
Cynthia Lengefeld
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