Do you know the power of your words?
You have two choices with your words – heaven or hell, life or death.
The words you speak vibrate frequency into the Universe and create exactly what you say.
When you say, “I am always late,” the Universe hears your decree and everything around you works together to make sure you are “always late!”
When you ask, “Why am I always broke?” the Universe hears and responds accordingly to ensure you are “always broke.” Possibly in all areas of your life - financially, emotionally, and physically.
Sounds like hell to me.
You can change hell to heaven in four simple steps.
1. Be aware of your words.
2. Ask yourself if what you just spoke (or were about to speak) is your true choice.
3. Cancel your “hell” aloud by saying CANCEL or DELETE or CLEAR.
4. Speak “heaven” - your true choice.
“I am always late” turns into “I am always on time.”
“Why am I always broke?” turns into “I am abundantly supplied.”
Hear your words. Make your choice. Change your frequency. Create your heaven.
In Gratitude and Grace,
Cynthia Lengefeld
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