Is it possible the very air we expel flows over our vocal cords and creates words powerful enough to vibrationally write our reality?
Yes. Moment to moment.
Our words express our inner thoughts. Our words express our feelings. The way we use our words gives us clues as to how we feel about ourselves and others. We also receive clues through our words as to what we believe to be true.
Are we creating our true choices with our words, or are we using our words to continue in our current, less-than-desirable patterns?
Are our words the canvas or the painting? Yes and yes. Artists create. We are the artists, the creators and the creation of our words and our reality.
As we invest a closer look at our words, we find more clues. Let’s decode the words describe and prescribe.
A scribe writes. Each person writes the script of his/her life. When we add the prefix “de”, we negate, separate and remove.
When we de-scribe our situation as it is currently, we separate ourselves from creating something new by compounding and reinforcing our current situation through the repetition of our story. When we use our words to repeat our situation as we see it now, or as it currently is, everything stays as it is because we have said so again and again.
When we add the prefix “pre” we create our future in advance and beforehand. When we pre-scribe, we create our future. To create our new reality, even before we see it, we get to pre-scribe it with new words ~ words containing our new and true choices. Rather than agreeing with and compounding our current reality, we choose what happens next and speak it.
In some of my classes and facilitations I am asked, “How can I say it if it isn’t real yet?” Valid question. Many times when we are stuck in our current reality our NOW is all we can comprehend. When we pre-scribe, we give ourselves permission to move beyond our current reality. Faith is believing before we see it. Faith is creating our new “now” with our words alone ~ until we
· Believe it can happen
· Feel the “real-ness” of it
· Live in the “real-ness” of it as if it already happened, and
· Manifest it.
How can anything be believed, felt, real or manifested if we refuse to create it with our words? Our “new” begins in our thoughts, moves forward in our feelings, and flows over our vocal cords as we speak ~ actually and physically, in real time.
And guess what? Pre-scribing is an opportunity! For example, when a doctor writes a prescription, actually filling the prescription is your choice. Your doctor can make a recommendation and suggestion and even give you the power (written prescription) to make a change, and it is still your choice. You are the one who has the opportunity to make a new choice, and you are the one who puts your new words into action.
Everything begins (and ends) with our thoughts, words and feelings. What are you de-scribing or pre-scribing into your life?
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