I'm thrilled to gift you another beautiful decree screensaver to empower your decree practice!
This visual reminder, available for desktops and smartphones, will keep your chosen decrees front and center throughout your day. I already have my decree on my devices!
"Every word I speak creates life or death."
Download your screensavers here:
- Desktop: "Every Word - I choose life"
- Smartphone: "Every Word - I choose life"
Remember, the key to effective decrees lives in present-tense, positive phrasing. Instead of saying, "I will be abundant," decree, "I Am abundantly supplied!" Feel your power in your words as you speak them, and trust the Universe (God) is your Supply.
Every word we speak is a decree, consciously or unconsciously. When we align our words with the desires of our heart, we plant seeds of possibility in the fertile ground of our being. Decrees act as affirmations on steroids, imbued with the power to shift our vibration and attract experiences resonating with our purposeful choices. The power of decrees acts as an energetic blueprint for shaping our reality.
For an even deeper exploration of empowered language, subscribe to my YouTube Channel! I regularly share insights, exercises, and inspiration to help you master the art of conscious communication and co-create your desired life.
With love and empowered speech,
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
Website | YouTube
P.S. Feel free to share this gift and the power of decrees with your loved ones! Let's collectively elevate the vibration of our world through conscious language.
How to Install Your Screensaver:
Unsure how to install your new screensaver? No worries! Here are some helpful links to get you started:
- Apple Devices: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/use-a-screen-saver-mchl4b68853d/mac
- Microsoft Devices: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-your-screen-saver-settings-a9dc2a0c-dc8e-9161-d270-aaccc252082a
- Samsung Devices: https://www.samsung.com/ae/support/mobile-devices/how-to-enable-screensaver-on-my-samsung-phone/
- (Additional resources for other devices can be found with a quick web search.)
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