I love when scientists work to “prove” what is true, especially when it comes to assessing language patterns and meanings.
I read a recent article in the Medical Press, by New York University, discussing our mental and brain interpretation of the simple word ‘not’. The scientists concluded the word ‘not’ mitigates our interpretation of phrases.
“Mitigates” is a very nice word, in my opinion, for the word I prefer – confuses. According to the Oxford Dictionary, mitigates means “make less severe, serious, or painful.” In their testing, the scientists used the specific words “hot” and “cold.” They concluded “not” merely mitigates its designated adjective, hot and cold, rather than inverting it.
“When we're told "This coffee is hot"…, the message is clear. But what about when we're told "This coffee is not hot"? Does that mean we think it's cold? Or room temperature? Or just warm?”
In their series of cognitive testing, the scientists found:
“participants took longer to interpret phrases with negation than they did phrases without negation—indicating, not surprisingly [did you catch their use of “not”?] given the greater complexity, that negation slows down our processing of meaning.”
“Participants took longer to interpret phrases with negation,” in my mind, suggests confusion defined by Oxford as to “make (something) more complex or less easy to understand.”
As we move into the realm of consciousness and language, confusion around “not hot” and “not cold” keeps us in a state of auto-pilot language, complacency with the status quo, and specifically lukewarmness.
- Auto-pilot language = Am I aware of my words?
- Complacency = Whatever…. or Do I even know what I mean?
- Lukewarmness = Ok, I guess…. or If you say so…..
Bible scripture is clear on its relationship with unconscious behavior, complacency and lukewarm actions.
“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” ~ Rev. 3
Going further, when we attach the word ”not” to the words I AM, we confuse matters even more. I AM, in conscious language, is a melding of our right brain and left brain bringing forth God in Action within us. Scripture consistently states, “Choose Life.” I AM is Life. God in Action is Life.
Contrary to the scientists’ conclusions of mitigation, I AM “not” is death language. No mitigation. Complete inversion.
I AM “not” is the actual cancellation of I AM (Life) giving power to the presence of I AM “not” (Death).
Conscious language is about what is. Rather than adding the word “not” to our speech and our physical body directions, our conscious awareness directs us to speak about our true choice. The limitation of “not” being, “not” having, “not” doing” does way more damage to our reality and physicality than the suggestion of simple mitigation by scientists.
In our physical body, our cells do exactly what we tell them to do with our words.
“Not” confuses Life.
“Not” slows down our cognitive process and speaks against what our cells are created to do – give Life. “Not” creates a delay in relaying a message as our cells work to figure out what to do, rather than what “not” to do.
Listen to your words.
Speak your true choice.
Speak Life.
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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