I talk a lot about the power of our language, and I fully believe all our words have power, both our unconscious words and our unconscious words.
When we take a look at our body signals, I believe we can trace our body signals back to the words we speak.
For example, if we have vision issues, we may have spoken the phrase “I can’t see” often.
If we have leg or foot issues, we may have spoken the phrase “I don’t understand” often.
For hand issues, we may have spoken the phrase “I can’t handle this” often.
The above phrases are very common phrases ~ spoken unconsciously with regard to specific situations and spoken with great feeling and meaning.
We can be aware of our words in whatever situation we find ourselves in. Our body is listening, and our body is worth it. When our body hears a phrase such as
- “I can’t see” (how this will work out)
- “I can’t see” (because you are standing in the way)
- “I can’t see” (what you have in mind), etc.,
the cells in our body get to work obeying our words. They do the only thing they know how to do and create ways to obey “I can’t see”, thus creating vision issues.
Changing our perspective and adding a simple word changes everything. Consider “I choose to see” (how this will work out), “I choose to understand” (what you mean), and “I choose to handle” (this situation differently). Now, we have given our cells permission to create great vision, our legs and feet to be strong, and create ease in our hands.
Speaking Life in Love,
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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