I recently returned from the Young Living Northern Light Black Spruce farm in Fort Nelson, BC, Canada, where I participated in each step of essential oils production. I personally experienced essential oils and frequency at a higher level than ever before.
Can we alter our body frequency?
Can we alter the frequency of what we use in and on our body?
Quantum Physics.
At our Conscious Retreat Experience next month, we will use LOTS of oils for movement, alignment, and frequency. Go ahead and pull out your precious little bottles and get some oil on your body!
Here I go with a bit of science……
Our body optimally operates at a particular health frequency, around 62 – 68 MHz. If our frequency dips through diet, thought, word, and/or emotional factors, we expose ourselves to dis-ease.
All pure essential oils carry electrical charges created to restore our body to optimal health. By simply smelling a frequency based (plant based) essential oil, we can raise our body frequency to a higher MHz level..
Our consciousness plays a role in the effectiveness of the chemistry of our oil application. Negative thought and word patterns can lower the frequency of an oil, just as positive thought and word patterns can raise the frequency of an oil.
Pure, plant-based essential oils are vehicles of living energy.
Interaction of mind and matter is a scientific fact.
Within the laws of quantum physics, essential oils amplify purpose and purpose amplifies essential oils. When we choose an essential oil, our question changes from “What will this oil do for me?” to “What is my desired outcome in using this oil?”
Oils work at a higher level when supported by faith and belief by the giver and receiver. Purpose amplifies the benefit of the person applying the oils and the person receiving the oils.
A bottle of pure essential oil is a bottle of chemical possibilities; a collection of compounds specific to the plant from which it was derived.
The determination of which possibilities happen is up to the purpose of the person.
Chemistry determines possibility.
Quantum physics (purpose) determines probability.
Simply put, as essential oil users, we have an opportunity to participate and amp up our own healing. Essential oils are vehicles (frequencies), and when supported by our thoughts and words, work with optimal benefit. When purchasing an oil, consider the purpose given to it when the plant was grown, distilled, packaged and distributed.
Will essential oils work without conscious purpose? Yes, within the limit of the compounds of the related plant. Adding conscious purpose narrows the realm of possibilities into probabilities. Imagine a funnel – broad possibilities narrowed into specific probabilities. Probabilities can be directed by speaking Decrees and deeply feeling the meaning of each word.
As we apply an oil to any area of our body, we can mentally and/or verbally direct it to wherever it is required and affirm the outcome we desire. Our decrees must arise from our deepest feelings (faith) and can be repeated and consciously reiterated until we achieve physical manifestation.
If I can be of service to you in choosing essential oils for your highest outcome and assist you with specific Decrees to enhance your frequency, please reach out.
If you are already an essential oil user, what is your favorite essential oil and Decree?
Living in High Frequency,
~ Cynthia
Personal and Professional Empowerment Coach
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